Sunday, January 4, 2009

Navy Fit - Week 15

Happy New Year!

According to a study by the University of Maryland, your New Years resolutions are already starting to get pushed to the back burner. For what ever reason we think of January first as the time to change our lives. By January 31st, we say that I'll try again next year. Well, as the years pass, our opportunity to extend the productive years of our lives get shorter and shorter.

The next season of NBCs "The Biggest Loser" will feature two contestant I want everybody to see. On is a yung man who will start the show as the heaviest person ever to complete on "The Biggest Loser". Another one is the oldest. Both will be trying to save their lives. I have not seen nor heard of what transpires, but I know that time is ticking away for both.

For those of you in the unit who have not been following this program, I strongly encourage you to stand in front of your mirror in your birthday suit and ask if you have been a good custodian of your body. Two programs are now going to be listed here. I'm now six weeks into recovering from a respitory infection. My lung capacity is that of a smoker while I'm working to kick this infection. If I can do it, you can to.

Normal program:
We are going to start doing mini PRTs. It is important to do this in the order of the PRT. In the past, I've trained by first running, and then doing the pushups and situps. On PRT day, that is not the order we do them. As a result, my runs are up to a minute slower.

2 minutes of streching (Unless you can already touch you toes).
Guys - 15 pushups
Ladies - 10 pushups

Guys - 20 crunches
Ladies - 15 crunches

15 minutes of running for all.

Catch up program.
Again, we need to ease our bodies into physical activity. We are going to start out with 10 pushups and 10 flutter kicks. We are going to do this until January 11th. At that point, we are adding one rep per day. Also, we are changing between two different exercises depending on the day.

On even number days, do your pusups with you hands close to your body. This will promot a workout in the arms. On odd days, use a wide hand position. This will work your pectorals.

For your core exercises, do a four count flutter kick on even days and crunches on odd days. This will work a wider range of abdominal muscles. Optionally, you can do supermans to help pull your guts in and balance your abdominal strength.

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