Monday, November 16, 2009

Triathlon...Do you dare???

What the (insert explicative here) are they thinking? 2.6 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and then a full marathon. I'm watching the Ironman Championships in Kona. Interesting, a major sponsor is Navy Special Forces. So, do you dare? Triathlon is a very fast growing sport for th recreational athlet. You can find triathlons of all distances. The Ironman is the extreme.

Photos by: Bakke-Svensson/Ironman.

Care to try it out? Running is the easiest to train for. You need shoes and a road. OK, Swimming. A gym membership usally helps but if you live on a lake, no problem. The most expensive is the cycling. You need a bike. Please do not go out and buy a carbon fibre Lance Armstrong special. At the smaller races, you will see people on mountain bikes. Use what you have, buy later if you continue.

Here is an opportunity to raise physical awareness at your commands. Hold a triathlon. OK, maybe its the dead of winter. Most bases have a pool at the fitness center. Usually there are bikes and treadmills. Use your imagination.

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