Monday, July 27, 2009

Pain: Good or Bad?

Pain is part of exercise. It is either a good pain, or a bad pain. The good pain is the burning of your muscles. That warm feeling that lets you know you are becomming stronger. The bad pain is usually sharp and unexpected. The good pain means keep going. The bad pain means stop right now!

Take heed to the bad pain. It is your bodies way of telling you that you have gone to far. You have injured yourself. If you do not stop now, you may be injured permanently. You do not want to pres your luck with this pain.

The good pain is not just the burn of the workout, but that settle hint the next day that you did good. Should that settle hint cause you to walk funny or keep you from exercising again, then you pushed it to far. Find that level where you know you did good, but not to much.

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