Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kick an Addiction and Start a New One

I was in the Navy Exchange with a good friend of mine at Naval Station Great Lakes. Yes, home to our Recruit Training Command. Both of us stood in awe at a disturbing site. You see, over the past year our Navy has been pushing a "Culture of Fitness". This blogsite supports the Navy's effort in every way to help Sailors become healthy, productive members of the fleet. What we could not understnad is the special section of the Exchange dedicated to the selling of tobaco products. What message are we sending to our young sailors? I also noticed that the parents of our new shipmates were also taken back at the length of the line waiting to purchase their drug of choice.

I took the time to visit the Surgen Generals website. By the way, the current Surgen General is Rear Admiral Steven K. Galson, M.D., M.P.H. In the Reports and Publications Section, I invite you to look at Tobacco Cessation - You Can Quit Smoking Now! It not only provides resources to help you quit smoking, but also tells you how you are affecting those around you.

For us non-smokers, that same report offers tips and advice on how to protect ourselves from second hand smoke.

Your health and the quality of your life, and your families is in your hands. I invite you to quit this addication to nicotine, and start an addiction to living a healthly lifestyle.

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