Monday, September 21, 2009

Eat This not That: Part II

Here are some more food substitutes:

Pick Whole Wheat bread instead of white bread.
Just remember to get "Whole Wheat"

Use reduced fat mayo instead of regular mayo.
Some brands will advertise "50% less fat then regular". Well, check the regular. It is easier to produce a fat produced then a reduced fat product. The regular may have an overwhelming amount of fat compared to its competitors. The reduced fat may not be much better then the regular varieties out there. Read the labels.

Use Half & Half cream instead of whole cream.
Hey, you will probably not notice the difference in you java anyhow. Just stay away from Starbucks. Seriously, do you know how much fat, surger, and calories are in those things? (

Pick multigrain chips instead of regular chips.
This on kind of violates the rules on eating lab created foods. but multigrain chips made from whole wheat have benefits for weight control.

Dark greens instead of iceberg lettuce.
Lets get to the point, iceburg lettuce is like water with a green membrane. Choose a darker green vegetable. Spinach is a good one. I know, your kids will never eat it. Don't tell them what it is. To them spinach is the pile of green goo that is splattered on their lunch tray at school.

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