Monday, February 16, 2009

The Clock is Ticking

This last week, we meet some friends for dinner at a place that we have never been before. I'm a fan of the Mom and Pop operation. You usually get the best food at these places. What my wife and I were not prepared for is the smoke. The establishment was the client of our friends. They make it a habit at eating at the establishments of those who do business with them. From a business perspective, it is a smart move. Well, 2 days later, I'm still coughing.

The clock is ticking is not only a reminder that the PFA is in a few weeks, but also a reminder to our shipmates about the dangers of smoking. I was exposed for almost two hours to secondhand smoke and I'm still effected by the smoke of that night. Image your loved ones around you. Smoking is a personal decision, but I highly encourage everyone to breath smoke free. has resources to help you get started in kicking the nicotine addiction and your doctor can also provide assistance.

From a financial point of view during this recession, lets look at the cost. In Indiana, a pack of cigarettes cost $4.10. One pack a day over a week is $28.70. Over the course of a year, that is $1496.50. For comparison, you can have a 4 night stay at the Shades of Green, 2 days at Disney Theme Parks, and round trip tickets from Indianapolis to Orlando for less then a year of smoking a pack a day.

This weeks workout:
1) Stretch. You should be able to touch your toes by now.
2) Push ups. If you've been adding 1 a day, you should be able to do 47 by now.
3) Core exercises. Do not forget your back. Even though we do not test for back strength, you need to have a strong back to support those six pack abs.
3) Cardio. Everyone should be able to do at least a mile and a half within the time required by your age. If not, you really need to be getting to work.

3 days a week. That is all you need.

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