Monday, June 29, 2009

10 Weeks and counting

I hate to say this, but we are at that time of the year that we have to think about the fall PFA. Use the summer to your advantage and start losing those lbs. For those of you who required measureing during the sring PFA, 6 months is enough time to work off the extra lbs. For those of you who have not yet started, osing more then 2 lbs a week is not recommened. Be smart about it.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Goals (Triathlon)

Triathlon! Are you kidding me??? Actually, triathlons are one of the fastest growing sports for the casual athlete looking for a new challenge. Nascars Tony Kanaan is a triathlet ( You will be surprised to learn that there are many “sprint” triathlons in your area. The swim may only be the length of a football field. The run may only be 5 miles. The challenge (and benefit) is to get your body for three disciplines. Many casual triathlets will not have a carbon fiber frame bike. The bike is obviously the biggest investment. You can use your mountain bike if you want to. Don’t be shy, just Tri It!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Goals (Walking)

Walking may not sound like a very aggressive sport, but for many, it can be a key ingredient into a fit life style. Although I encourage more strenuous activities, walking can have some great health benefits for those whom may not be able to exercise like an 18 year old. Walking will get you moving, which most of us only do on the way to the fridge or in a car. Start off walking around your neighborhood. Summer sun to hot, wake up earlier an go walking in the morning. Need motivation, walk with your spouse. The dog will love it to. IN the end, walking can help you to lose weight and have stronger bones and cardiovascular system.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Goals (Cycling)

Cycling can be a great fitness and social activity. Many cities through the country have cycling lanes and trails. You do not need anything more than a helmet and a bike to enjoy this sport. I do recommend a few things though.

Cycling shorts:
These shorts come in introductory models (4 and 6 panels) and higher performance (8 panels). The number of panels is the number of different pieces of fabric used to conform to your body. The padding has very little to do with comfort. It is more for whisking away moisture.

Your seat:
Your seat will be your posterior will want the most investment. If you start going long, you will understand. Most of your body weight will be focused on a few square inches. Choose wisely.

Bike adjustment:
Take the time to have a cycling profession properly adjust your bike for your specific biometrics and the type of ridding you will do.

Where you ride and how far you go is entirely up to you. While driving over the Big Horm mountains of Wyoming, I came across a very large group of cyclists. Their goal was to go from Sheridan Wyoming to Lovell Wyoming on their bikes. All skill levels were represented on the 80 mile ride. The only problem for them was the 9,000 foot mountain range in their way. At the highest point on the road, you could hear the screams of success from each rider as they passed by.

What will be your success?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Goals (Stair Climber)

One of my ways of keeping off the weight is the stair climber. The stair climber is lower impact then running, but it burns calories just as fast. The stair climber is not for everyone. If you have knee or loer back problems or trouble going up stairs, consult your doctor first.
When you use the stair climber, be prepared to sweet. When you get on the stair climber, it will ask you to select a program. You do not want to select manual. You want variation in your speed to receive the full benefits of the workout. You will be prompted for your weight. Be honest, no one is looking. You will then select an intensity level. Start at level 8. I usually use level 10-12. Next, you will select how many minutes you want to climb.

Start at 5 minutes at level 8. You may choose any program. This will be a slow climb. For each additional workout, add 1 minute. You decide on the intensity level and program. Once you get up to 20 minutes, you should be climbing around 100 floors (1,000 feet) and burning at least 300 calories.
Doing 20 minutes 2 times a week will allow you to burn off more the 2 lbs by the end of August. The after burn effect will allow you to continue to burn more calories while sitting at work.